73nd Annual Conference & Exhibition

August 5-8, 2025

Benton Convention Center | Winston Salem, NC

2023 NCHEA District IV Education and Recreation 4th Quarter Event!

  • October 26, 2023
  • 9:00 AM
  • October 27, 2023
  • 12:00 PM
  • Hilton Atlantic Beach Oceanfront Hotel, Atlantic Beach, NC
  • 243


  • Hospital Facility Personnel - Register here to attend the Education & Golf Event on Thursday, November 10th

    Crystal Coast Golf Club, 152 Oakleaf Dr, Pine Knoll Shores, NC 28512
  • Hospital Facility Engineers - Register here to attend the Education & Fishing Trip
  • Up to 2 Companies may sponsor the Thursday Night Cocktail Hour and can invite up to 6 of their company representatives to attend. Each sponsor will be able to provide company information and display their signage at the event.

    Sponsors will be given up to 5 minutes to introduce their company during the event.
  • Register here to attend the Educational Sessions on Thursday, including a Breakfast, 2 hours of accredited education and Boxed Lunch (9am to 12pm on Thursday, November 10th)
  • Register to sponsor our Breakfasts and Lunches for the meetings and events!

    Please send your company logo to Cara Greening @ cgreening@taloving.com
  • Sponsor a fishing boat for up to 4!
    Two persons per sponsoring company, please.
    We will assign hospital engineers per boat - based upon the number that sign up for this activity!
  • Register three golfers and the NCHEA District IV will work to place a Hospital Engineer on your team! (We will endeavor to add a Hospital Engineer to each team, but if we do not have enough - will reach out the week before so that you can supply your own fourth golfer!)
    Send your players to Cara Greening at cgreening@taloving.com
  • Register to Sponsor a Skill Hole and bring along a Gift Card for our Winners! $50 or more please.
    Please send your company logo to Cara Greening cgreening@taloving.com
  • Sponsor the Driving Range for the NCHEA District IV Fall Golf Outing. Come and set up a tent and advertise your company to the facilities playing with us on Nov. 11th! (Tents, tables, chairs and coolers must be provided by the company sponsoring). Please send your company logo to Cara Greening cgreening@taloving.com
  • Come and set up a tent and determine / host a putting contest for the group! (Sponsor must provide all tents, chairs, tables, coolers, winner's gifts and personnel for this event). Please send your company logo to Cara Greening cgreening@taloving.com
  • Register to sponsor a hole and have your logo on Signage. Please send your company logo to Cara Greening @ cgreening@taloving.com
  • Purchase Mulligans for your team - Also used as Raffle Tickets for the Door Prizes that will be raffled during the conference!!!

    Limit 1 per person (4 per foursome or per boat!)
  • Associate members that would like to be added to a team (as registration allows) please use this link to register for the Golf Tournament.
  • Associate members who wish to be placed on a boat to fish for the day, please register here.
  • Sponsor our Educational Event and have your logo on our marketing materials, district IV website page and throughout the event on the Presentation Slides. Includes one Registration for the Educational portion of the symposium.

Agenda for Thursday, October 26, 2023

9 am Check-in Atlantic Beach Double Tree
Breakfast and Networking

10:00 am – 12:00 pm Education Presentations -further information to follow
(Boxed Lunch for activities)

1:00 PM: Fall Golf Outing at Crystal Coast Golf Course Crystal Coast Golf Club, 152 Oakleaf Dr, Pine Knoll Shores, NC 28512
1:00 PM: Fishing Expedition thru "Chasing Tails" at 709 Atlantic Beach Causeway

5:30 pm - 7:00 pm - Cocktail Reception (Sponsors to be Determined) 

Friday, October 27, 2023

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Breakfast and Networking

10:00 am - 12:00 pm Education Presentations -further information to follow

12:00 PM NCHEA District IV General Meeting/Lunch

Others: Lunch on your own/Dismiss


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